Would love to entice another artist or two to display their wares here on Spirit Hill with me. Bruce has enhanced our garden with river rock, our path to the garden has been improved beautifully by Isaul, who laid old bricks in a design and width that makes entering the pond/deck area safe and comfortable. The chimes lull everyone who comes here, the bubbling pond, too. I would be in my studio and they could set up on deck or in the living room, depending on the weather. So I put this thought out into the universe and see where it goes.
Lavendar is our theme for June. We picked it because Barbara Lahmann, grower of lavendar, harvests first week in June every year, and she will join 1st Saturday this time. She makes lavendar drinks, food, and bouquets, I hear. So the rest of us will come up with ways to use the color, too. I've put up a bulletin board with the color lavendar, purple flowers, like Iris' and Lupins, and more.
Lavendar with sunflower
1 comment:
After all our support for Barbara, who was joining us for the first time, she had to back out, because her daughter died the night before. Such a sweet person, that daughter. I met her "on the walk" she walking her dog. We'd talk a minute about the dog and then go our separate ways. I will miss her smile.
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