2010 is almost ended. The pace in which it past is breathtaking! Bruce is off from school and we are taking this holiday time to stay home and enjoy Spirit Hill. The non-stop storms that have washed over us this past week, and continue as I write, are making our Oaks and other plant life very happy. The wild life manages to find ways to protect themselves. A Scrub Jay, and an Acorn Woodpecker, jumped in our pond and took a full on bath, while it was raining, to my great surprise. I put out seed and it is gone in short order. The birds need a lot more food to stay warm these days. They are all so fluffed up, sometimes I cannot identify them. A Northern Flicker, the Scrub Jay and the California Quail are eating the berries off the bushes and leaving the limbs bare. Robins were here last week gobbling up the berries, too.
On January 1st we will host our regular 1st Saturday. We expect fewer guests because it is a holiday, but some said they plan to use that day as a chance to visit the artists who are opened, and maybe get a little more attention since there won't be as many people around. Nikki Crain reminded us that it is 1/1/11 on 1st Saturday so we decided to have an 11% sale on everything, because it made us smile!
Here on Spirit Hill we have invited family and close friends for an Open House. I'll have a pot of beans (sprinkled with black eyed peas for New Year's good luck), and more. I look forward to hosting my loved ones, and any 1st Saturday visitors who venture out. It should be an exciting day. I look forward to it.