I went to Fresno and did another podcast. The link is above to see it.
This time I talked about my artwork and how I became an artist. I mentioned newly published book, too. But mostly talked art and 1st Saturday.
Since this coming month, July 6th, we have a Fresno foodie joining 1st Saturday, and this podcast shows mostly to Fresno residence I thought talking about her made sense. Thu Duong-Pace specializes in Vietnam food taught to her by her mother. She and her daughter dedicate their food business to her: Lotus Blossom. You can see a picture of her and her daughter ready to feed anyone who shows up. She describes herself and family in poetic terms. I think you will her part on our blog. Her location and times and more images of her food can be found on our blog: www.1stsaturdaytr.com
I cannot wait to taste her food. I admit to being tired of the American and Mexican food ONLY in Three Rivers. A few of us have spent time fantasizing having more choices here and to my surprise we get a call from Thu. She drives from Fresno to offer this wonderful choice to all in Three Rivers. I sure hope people take advantage of this opportunity for a taste treat.
As a matter of fact, if you are reading this within driving distance of Three Rivers, come join us from where ever you are. Lot's of art around Three Rivers to enjoy. Follow the map you pick up at the Historical Museum in the center of Three Rivers, the building behind the Paul Bunyan statue. My studio along with others open, as well as the Art Center with many artists. And if you must, there are plenty of restaurants that will feed you hamburgers! :) Ice cream and candies at Reimer's, still delicious.
Slowing down some because of a back issue, attending physical therapy and making that a priority for now. Using time in studio to learn more about the Internet and how to use it to help sell books. Amazon has a way to make an author website called Author Central. It is fun to figure out. Biography, photos, videos, and so much more to learn about each author.
Enough for now. Be in touch soon.